About me
I have been working therapeutically with adults, young adults and parents for over 18 years in a diverse range of settings and across all sectors. My approach to working with people is one of honesty, flexibility, integrity and a real belief that change is possible.
My passion for Mental Health was realised in 2006 when I returned from several years of travelling to then be selected to work for NHS Scotland as a Guided Self Help Worker and Trainer, where I started my training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness Based approaches. Since then I have gone on to hold several roles within Mental Health as a Teacher, Senior Wellbeing Practitioner, Lead Mental Health practitioner in Cancer support, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist and Mental Heath and Wellbeing manager for a local Secondary School.
With Undergraduate and Postgraduate qualifications in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy alongside being Registered, listed and certified as a Mindfulness Teacher for adults, children and parents, you can be assured that the theoretical knowledge underpinning my practice is extensive and evidence based.
I am a Registered member of BAMBA (British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches), am registered as a accredited Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist with Access MBCT and am a registered Teacher with the Mindfulness in Schools Project
I have professional indemnity insurance and have an enhanced DBS check
University Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Level 7 Post Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Registered and Listed Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist
Listed Teacher in .b (Mindfulness for 11-18 year olds)
APT level 2 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) certified practitioner
Qualified Decider skills Facilitator
Qualified Living life to full (CBT skills) facilitator
Mental Health First Aider
Trained Facilitator in Motivational Interviewing
Additional Training
Spell Autism Training
Strengths based CBT
STORM (suicide prevention training)
Assist (further suicide intervention training)
Mental Capacity act
Mental Health Co-production training
CBT masterclass for Anxiety